Delight with GP Patient Survey Statistics 

The team at Yaxley is delighted with the latest GP patient survey, in which they surpassed local and national average scores in all key measures with 84% of respondents rating their overall experience as good, a figure that is 13% higher than the national average and 1% more than the practice's grading last year.

Across the 13 categories, relating to appointments, staff, care and the service provided, patients gave consistently high satisfaction levels with more than nine in ten being satisfied in six, including the helpfulness of receptionists, the appointment offered and feeling that their needs were met. 96% agreed that they had confidence and trust in the healthcare professional they saw or spoke to.    

Practice Manager Aija Selby said: ‘The National GP Survey contains valuable data which we will be reviewing as a team. We conducted our own group-wide survey earlier this year which already yielded valuable and interesting information about our high patient satisfaction rates and where we can make further changes to make patient experience even better.    

‘As a result of the survey we now have a Doctrin dedicated notice board in our Reception area. This includes posters, QR codes linked to the online resources and also printed user guides, which patients can take with them for future reference. Doctrin user guides have proved to be very popular amongst our patient population. Our Care Co-ordinators are looking into arranging some drop-in sessions to assist our patients with their NHS App registrations and navigation around the Doctrin system.   

‘We have a very active Patient Participation Group that represents views of our patients and our team regularly attend meetings with them to provide information and to respond to queries or concerns raised. The views of our patients are integral to our decision making about staffing, capacity and how our service continues to develop. 

‘We’d like to thank patients who took part in both surveys, pinpointing areas that we can continue to develop and enhance and our team is delighted with the high scores that patients gave us in the national survey. It really demonstrates that the work we are doing here is well received and appreciated by the vast majority.’  

See the full survey results here: GP Patient Survey

Published: Jul 19, 2023